Keywords: chat, chatlog, cpu, lag, text
(See the best response by Zasif.)
To put this quite simply, my game starts out fine, but after a while, more so if a lot of text is being displayed due to being on a high-pop server, the dreamseeker client will start lagging incredibly hard from text being displayed on screen. Certain admin functions that create a lot of text in the game I'm on will make it a lot worse, as well as alt-tabbing and coming back to the window. Basically, the client will start lagging displaying text, and try to "catch up", writing up new sentences at an incredibly slow pace, this going on until it's caught up with the backlog of text that gets created from the lag.

This is a CPU issue, as I've noticed my CPU usage skyrocketing whenever this kind of lag occurs. As an example, the three spikes here were caused by trying to view someone's info in a game, using a function which displays a few lines of text in the chatlog.

I am on windows 7, my CPU is an i5-4670, and I am running an up-to-date version of the BYOND client. So far, I have not encountered anyone with a problem similar to mine, and so any help or insight on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Best response
SS13 bad code!
^second ;p
Are you hosting this, or is this your client connecting to someone else's server?
In response to Zasif
Zasif wrote:
SS13 bad code!


Any way, the problem may be related to the actual function you use to get someone's info, since we have no code, we can't tell if that is the case. If it is indeed an SS13, it may be related to the high player-count that is causing something like this, I wouldn't know.

But yeah, answering Stephen's question would probably go a long way.
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Are you hosting this, or is this your client connecting to someone else's server?

The game I'm connecting to is being hosted on a dedicated server, on a separate network, so nope, not hosting.