I'm stuck, and have been for some time now. I need to know how to code in a multitile base icon(2 icons stacked vertically) and make it so that if it walks in any direction, it walks smoothly and the bottom or top icon does not disappear. I know nothing of how to do this, and tried to use my little knowledge of coding to make an attempt, but I would be embarrassed to show what I did on this thread. Any help?
Look up the overlays list var, and the pixel_x/pixel_y vars. All you want to do is add an object with a pixel_y of 32 to the mob's overlays to give it that effect.
In response to Jeff8500
Thank you so much, it works, but at first was sketchy, then I fixed it. But if it wasn't for that advice, I would have never been able to do it at all.