
The time has come! All those morons who keep complaining about the pager and spread lies will be gone(at least from the pager)! We can say goodbye to a lot of pager spam, and look forward to a cleaner pager.
And all of BYOND's people said: "Amen".
Yay for paying :P
Haha. =D The great cleansing, heh!
Mwahahahaha! I still have 'trial membership'!
I think I'm bugged, I don't have a membership.
The only problem. The great cleansing leads to the great silence, leading to hannibal lectur to silence you lambs O.o
Also yay for no more annoying crap-job offers and "plz help me with this code plz" pages to Kunark! Yay!
It'd be funny if Kunark accidently checked the "let non-members page me" box, and didn't realize it. <_<
But I'm sure you wouldn't mind "Hey Kunark omgz h3lp me wit my luv lyfe!" would you Kunark? =P
"And all of BYOND's people said: "Amen"."

Well, I would have said halleluja, but I'm not sure if I'm spelling it right....

It seems like Accursed Lands is down a lot. Haven't played it yet, maybe I'm just trying to play at a bad time.
Oh, I always usually help epople out if they ask, it doesn't mean, though, that I don't think it's annoying :P