So I'm thinking about creating a system where you can create robot mobs, after combining certain parts together. Only question I have is how would I turn a obj into a mob?
I would assume that the parent_type variable is capable of doing this, though not complete.

My question would be:
Why do you even want to do that?
I take it that you want the player to combine some parts to a fixed robot. So, why not grab that hook, and create a new mob there, with the specific settings of the objs that it contains passed as arguments?
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Thats sounds perfect, I just don't know how to do it.
In response to Lundex
We have a tie there, as you don't know how to do it, I don't know what you intend to do *smiles*.

Mind to elaborate on how you want the player to combine the parts? How many parts/combinations do you plan for?
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Well, basically. Four or five combos right now. Just to test it.
Lundex wrote:
So I'm thinking about creating a system where you can create robot mobs, after combining certain parts together. Only question I have is how would I turn a obj into a mob?

/obj and /mob are children of /atom/movable.

What exactly do you mean when you say 'turn an obj into a mob' ?
In response to Alathon
The same way any man would turn a glass of orange juice into small cat... take away the juice, and replace it with a cat.

Pretty much just delete the objs and create the corresponding mob.

Uses teh del() and new() procs. If you need info on them there always the DM guide/Reference.
In response to Lundex
Lundex wrote:
Well, basically. Four or five combos right now. Just to test it.

That didn't exactly answer my questions, now did it? ;)

What would a player have to do in order to combine the parts and create a robot? Click a Verb? Drag and drop the parts on each other? Go somewhere? Select parts from a list...(continue forever on with possible scenarios, so I'd think it's easier you tell me :p)

And I was wondering how many combinations the finished game would carter for, not the test game.