In response to Andre-g1
Look up..

Update and Stat.

and even though its supposed to be called several times per tick..its called(due to the lag) 1 time every 3 seconds..roughly.
In response to DemonicK
Try commenting out the update proc. And then the stat one, that'll narrow down your problem. If neither seems to work, your problem is somewhere else.
In response to Andre-g1
Well at least I know my problem is somewhere else now..
In response to DemonicK
DemonicK wrote:
Well at least I know my problem is somewhere else now..

Breakthrough..though I don't know what exactly it is yet, I noticed that not only is it slow to type in dreamseeker, the icons all move slower, (icon states and etc.) So that got my mind thinking..and I pressed ctrl+alt+del

Yep you bet, its using huge amounts of RAM.

Dreamseeker was using about 350,000 K
In response to DemonicK
What did you change recently ?
In response to Andre-g1
I didn't, as I said earlier, my partner coder had the source code for about 2 weeks.

He has done a lot but doesn't know exactly when this problem occurred. He lists all the updates he does but not the date he did them, just the planned release date of the update.

So now I have to try and look through everything he updated in the list and try and find out what could be causing the RAM to go that high..

Any ideas what I should look for?
In response to DemonicK
If you show the list, we might have some..
In response to DemonicK
var/updates = {"
<title>Recent Updates</title>
<body bgcolor=#80EE80 text=black>
<center><h2>January 6th, 2009</h2></center>
</br>Map updates.
</br>Missing with Rasengan and Chidori cancels it.
</br>Guarding with a weapon equipped makes you automatically deflect.
</br>You can now deflect thrown weapons, such as kunai and shurikens. It doesn't auto-deflect weapons though if you have the passive.
</br>Shousen must now be mastered to use. You start off with a 10% chance to do an actual healing. The more you use it, the better the chance.
</br>Shousen must be mastered with 100% chance of use to use Chakra No Mesu.
</br>New Medical technique, Area of Affect type healing. Must master Shousen to use.
</br>Wires are in. Fire spreads across wires, also.
</br>Bug Capacity passive is in for Aburames. Should nerf the amount they summon bugs all the time.
</br>Explosions supply smoke.
</br>Chidori now stops Raiton techniques, like when Kakuzu used Gian against Kakashi.
<p><b>Glitch Fixes:</b>
</br>Genjutsu Kai turns off now.
</br>Kage Bunshin can attack again now.
</br>Sand Sheild blocks attack verb.
</br>You only lose Hunger/Thirst from knock out if it is on maximum.
</br>Should be able to learn Dai-Senpuu now.
</br>Sousou shouldn't delay other verbs.
</br>You can use Kage Bunshin without having half-chakra now.
</br>Rasengan and Chidori drain more now.
</br>Shousen nerfed.
</br>Shousen delay buffed.
</br>Mushi Kabe can still devour but no longer does damage. It's a defence, not an attack mean.
</br>You lose DOUBLE the stamina of the chakra used now, if you try to over use your chakra.
</br>Nothing old yet.

usr << browse(updates)

Thats the updates list...None of them really look like they could be the cause for huge RAM usage... but maybe I'm overlooking something.
In response to DemonicK
Ok well thanks to some help I narrowed down the cause to it being a problem with a turf.

Tried deleting all mobs on the map...lag stayed.
Tried deleting all objs...same..
Tried deleting all areas (1.5 million areas 0_o) luck..

Tried it with a blank map..problem solved..

So that means its a turf.

I think I'm getting closer.

Infinite loop with a turf...tsk tsk tsk..Im going to have to scold my partner for this.

icon_state = "14"
for(var/mob/M in src.loc)

That was supposed to replace a rest verb ..making life even lazier and easier for players. Well too damn bad.

Thanks everyone for your help.
In response to DemonicK
Make sure:
1) There is no universally defined and initialized list for turfs (or even most turfs). If you have over 2^16-1 lists, you'd be breaking the limit.
2) Make sure there are no procs under /turf that are called a lot.
3) If you have a weather or something loop, then check that out.
4) It may still be the general /area type, as you cannot remove areas from your map. Don't count those out as a possibility.
In response to Jeff8500
I'll go through the source and do that, just to reduce any remaining excess CPU usage, but as far as the game working, it does. =D

Btw would Entered put strain on the CPU if its used for a lot of turfs (like grass). Because I think Kaio, my partner, has a sound effects fettish... >_> So stepping on the grass or water or tiles all make different sound effects, and he has a coded loop (not infinite) but that everyone hears the sound fainter the farther away they are.

I doubt that can be good.., but thoughts please.
In response to DemonicK
Keep it, that's a cool effect, and shouldn't raise CPU that much.
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