Ok, I'm sure most of you have heard question on the forums about "Kage Mane No Jutsu" aka Shadow Mimic Technique.

I know how to chase them down with the shadow in a dozen different ways, how to capture them, and even to make another person mimic their target's movements, but one thing eludes me.

How can I take the shadow (despite all the curves and twists that are bound to happen from a running target; cat and mouse) and keep it connected between the two people.

Images was my first guess, (I wont go into detail why I turned down that idea to spare you the brain tumors the explanation may cause), then I thought objects, but the objects would all have to move in sync, and I know there is a way to do it (never tried it, but I know you can.) But that would look stupid going across a map.. a Jig jagged Z shaped shadow connecting two people moving around like that...just visually unappealing, and visuals is a big deal when it comes to a game's overall grade as well as performance.

So I was thinking, maybe after the target is caught..I can have the shadow straighten itself out, but the problem is tiles aren't always so neatly aligned between two targets. So I looked at a line demo or something, and that looked like what I wanted, but I wasn't sure how I would get those "fill-in" shadows because those diagonal shadows are always missing little pieces since they are not straight lines, they are thick.

My posts always seem to be so long. Sorry about that...and now my train of thought is broken and I'm not sure if there was more I wanted to add on to what I've already stated............................ ..*scratches nose*...oh look its Armageddon week on the History Channel.

Edit: Wasn't as long as I thought.
I found Kunark's line demo and looked at the screenshots and thought YAY..

and then I looked at the 359 icon state's in the line demo...

I awoke several hours later...the doctors told me I suffered an internal concussion.

EDIT: Back from the hospital..turns out I overreacted. But unfortunately in straight line situations it still has the missing triangles on the sides (diagonal lines only) and straight horizontal and vertical are a bit choppy.

Probably a long complicated way around this. I'm questioning whether I am even going to go through with it anymore.
In response to DemonicK
You only need to draw the diagonal line. Half-end and half-start are optional, but look better. Read the documentation.