I got to see her at 8. We got to stay in an hour or so. She's doing good, just sick of being in bed. The best thing about seeing her was well seeing that she was okay, and hearing that my dad had went and seen her. My sister had told me that she left them two alone, and when she went back in my mom was crying, wiping away tears. We asked her later on tonight and she said it wasn't nothing bad and we asked her if he told her he still loved her and she just didn't say nothing, just cried.
I am really happy my dad went see her. I think she is so much happier. I'm going to see her in the morning at 8, or try to if I wake up. I'll post any new news.
Jul 24 2006, 7:09 pm
Jul 24 2006, 7:12 pm
Sounds like things are going good. Glad to know she's alright, maybe you can chill out some now.
Nice. When my mom got out of the hospital, my dad pestered her on what would be for dinner and had her get out of bed to do work in the basement. She was supposed to be in bed for a month, but he had her walking around that afternoon.
Sarm > Nice. When my mom got out of the hospital, my dad pestered her on what would be for dinner and had her get out of bed to do work in the basement. She was supposed to be in bed for a month, but he had her walking around that afternoon.
I'd of shot him. >_> But that's just me.. GLAD TO HEAR IT DOUGHBOY! <3 |