Applicable Configuration:
BYOND Version: 4.434
Operating System: Windows XP
Web Browser: IE 8 Beta 2/Firefox
Game/Hub(s): hub:// NA
Video Card (for graphics bugs): NA
Descriptive Problem Summary: I dont know if this is a new bug or if this happened before and i just havent found a away to fix it... But when i use a PNG or BMP immage in the game for a tree forinstance, i have it set to a layer thats higher then the mob so it can walk under the tree and not over it. In doing so, everything within the square of the tree image loses density. I made a density turf in the hopes that that would solce the problem but still the tree image turns everything into having no density. Before this problem was fixed within my other game just by using the density turf... Perhaps this is has changed in the update?
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Made Density turf to place at bottom of trees and on areas that i wanted to have density in the hopes that it would add density.
2. Changed the layer of the tree to layer = MOB_LAYER+1
3.Changed tree layer to Layer = 10
4. Added modified the denisty tile so that it had a layer higher then the tree.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
Expected Results: The tress would keep there layer and the density would stay the sme within the other turfs around it. Or a density turf could be added to fix the losee of denisy problem
Actual Results:all density was lost on the trees and the turfs around it.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?yes
In other games? Not sure.
On other computers?yes
In other user accounts?yes
When does the problem NOT occur? Never that i know of.
Workarounds: None that i know of.
Jan 22 2009, 4:32 pm
Jan 22 2009, 4:58 pm
If the tree and the other thing are both turfs, that's the problem. Only one turf can exist on a tile at a time, and all the turfs below it are deleted. However, the icon is also added to the top turf's underlays, so it appears that there are more than one turfs on a tile.
In response to Jeff8500
So to fix the problem... I should??? Make the density turfinto something else? Like area or obj? I need to readd density to the parts tat lost it. But it doesnt seem to work when i change the layer or add the density turf.
In response to Moussiffer
If you're using this sparingly, you could create an invisible wall object with a vibrant, easy-to-see icon (like orange and yellow and red) that'd be turned off when it's created. It'd block players from getting there, and would be easy to remove if needed.
In response to Popisfizzy
Well im definately not using it sparingly. There is a maze that is within a forest in the game.... the actual path is made of a stone turf and there is a hedge thats supposed to stop players from going into the forest. But... The trees leak over the hedge to give a more realistic look. Thats why the trees have layer. So the players will walk under them and not over or have to walk around. The only problem is that the mob can walk over the hedge thats close to trees and then can walk through the forest. I want to be able to apply somekind of density that will fit over the hedge so that the players can not walk through it. But can stll walk under the tress that hang over onto the path. Its a big map and there are alot of trees.
In response to Moussiffer
If you're just making a maze game, I'd suggest the trees be objs.
In response to Popisfizzy
It isnt a maze game. The trees and the maze are just one of the maps that make up the entire game. I use trees in other places besides the maze. If i made an obj density instead of a turf density, would that work in creating density that would stop mobs from being able to walk through it. Or an area demsity tile perhaps?