Hi all, Beverly here looking for help. I recently got the Magic Key, but I dunno what I should do next... I also have this Pure Gem too.
Aaaaaand now I am bugged, my party of NPCS got wiped for some reason. I can't continue without them, so I'll need GM help soon.
Can't find the green orb - quest says elves in Porthaven hid it under a special tree. This tree/tower is nowhere to be found. There is an elf town, with a half a tree on the west side. No town of Soyo, no flute of uncovering. I'm stuck.
I don't know if you have any patch fixes, but wanted to mention the 'lose your party' bug does still exist. However, I THINK I may have a solution to it.
The issue is usually, the user gets bugged in some way. Maybe they accidentally froze the battle, or a menu popped up when it shouldn't have. So they reconnect. However upon reconnect, it autoloads your last save, brings you online with JUST your main character and not loading your party, then cuts connection with an auto save. When you log back on that save file, your party is gone. Funny enough, if you check item screen, it has spots where your party was though, so maybe there in some sort of unload limbo, who knows. My solution is more a bandaid then a proper solution, but what if there was not auto save when you first connect to the world? Maybe like a... delayed auto save? Doesn't save until a few minutes pass? I'm unsure if you can do this, but maybe some sort of solution could be found so people don't lose their party members (and any important items on them) |
doesn't save on login. player has to activate a save. all I know is something to do with multiplayer
well the lose party bug and such seems to have started from your mercs mingling with other players. why now they will be removed from player groups, only usable when solo.
Ran into a class change bug.
When you Go from being a Friar to a Tempest, your class becomes the "Tempst" class, which I assume will have no skills or stat bonuses. My assumtion comes from the fact that when he got a job level up, my "Tempst" did not receive any stat ups while the rest of the monks' final job classes did. I don't think it's the entire Tempest class either; as you may know, my entire party is monks filling out all the monk final jobs. The character that was a Samurai changing into her final class clearly saw "Tempest" as an option, so I believe it's only an issue for those who were Friars previously that has this issue. Clearly it's just a typo, I just ask if at some point we can correct my "Tempst" when possible. He hasn't had to learn any skills yet, so assuming a small change won't break code, seems to not be too hard a fix. |
Fixed in 5.36. Please send bugs as a DM or page. I can respond and fix it quicker, plus the bug isnt shown on the front page
-Starting as a Goof Off bugs in both versions. DW3 has you set to classless, regular game fixes stats but you can't open menu.
-When creating a Goof Off party member and choosing a monster, the monster goof off does not have a sprite; just invisible. -Bark seems bugged at least in a 4 man party. Seems to always target 3rd in your party. -Rest occasionally bugs in battle, unsure of the trigger. Refresh fixes it with no issues however. -Tickle targets party members only, similar to bark. |
Thank you either way that it may come out.