var/text_mop = findtext("[T]","Message2",1)//goes through the text
if(copytext("[text_mop]",8,9) = "C")//checks if the name that comes after Message2 begins with "C"
for(var/mob/M in world)//loop
if(copytext("[]", 0, 1) == "C")//Checks if the first letter ALSO begins with "C"
var/text_mop_2 = findtext("[T]","Message2",20)
text_mop_2 = copytext("[text_mop_2]",9, it so that the text mop is the length of their name so that it narrows it down to names that fit
if(text_mop_2 == "[]")//if the text mop is the same length as their name and equals it...
var/text_mop_3 = findtext("[T]","[]:",150)//parse through to find the message...
if(findtext("[text_mop_3]","/end")//Now "/end" is what I was going to use to signal the end of their\
message but how will I go back to find the actual msg? Must I make another arg in the name?
And yes...I do have a var for those who log in so that it tracks their ports.