Any particular courses?
I mean it's pay-walled at more per month than a BYOND membership is for a year, and people struggle with that, so I dunno how credible this is for people here, as a learning resource. |
I suggest their playlist for the trial. fffec5e105ab4bce8ae09e421d83dc91 Fundamentals for the noobs. Object Oriented for actual planning. Then Test Driven Development when actually going to code editor. And if your game lags or performs poorly at critical tasks - Code Efficiency. Refactoring for those willing to re-organize old projects with several steps. Each is critical for a manageable well tuned project. Of course this will take hard work, but anyone can do it. Along with current BYOND documentation and other post this can be a simple process. |
And you are using this set of methodologies for your current BYOND project, are you?
Before answering that can you show me some of the planning you've seen from BYOND devs? Real examples in the form of a document?
These are pretty old, sufficiently so that I'm hoping WANO doesn't mind my sharing them as they don't seem to represent well the game you'd play today.
But in a way that goes to demonstrate some of the point, because the outlay for these docs (and whatever associated dev was done) can't have been a spry 10 minutes a piece. Here is to hoping my drive permissions are okay: 1Di2yfeoFYhcfoM2vb3_kAK6Q7n7IY6N9qfWoFzCABpg/ edit?usp=docslist_api 1PVo_7z5l1kPE6g0TxHCH0d_D-u7zU2KxUFYpVpqb9qY/ edit?usp=docslist_api 0B3uu_tK9aLXvMTJGMjFCQUY1OTk1OTEyNDowLjE/ edit?usp=docslist_api Certainly, Shadowdarke outlaid a reasonable amount of actual development work on the clustering mechanism (and to be fair, if you actually needed that for your game, a little bit of design isn't bad, but also maybe you shouldn't be using BYOND as your platform then). Given it appears to be single server currently (or single + DB?), 2010's design efforts definitely feel like a waste. The date of the documents and their comparison to what you see in their fairly shallow mechanics (favouring roleplay instead now I guess?) also tell a bit of a story in itself, about the benefit of their design process on the end product. And Eternia is the success case! Apparently all I'm sporting from emails in the Naruto Universe department is source code, and not their (kid you not) 100 page game design document. That project was in 2010, and essentially killed team members, in the productive sense, and ... well, wasn't formally ever released. The source code achieved ... 20% of what the doc laid out? Fairly organised code too, compared to other stuff I've seen. What both of these neglected to grasp, basically, is there's a technical part, and a creative part to games. And in BYOND, the engine covers 95% of the technical part for you, meaning most of your work likes in the creative part. The part where once you try an idea out, you determine if it's fun or not in your overall game context, or if it impedes the fun, or distracts ... and you refine it, throw it entirely, whatever. Doc heavy approaches inherently don't lend themselves to that tight requirements feedback loop and creative process, where customer stakeholder, dev AND manager are all probably the same person, and the vague 'fun' requirement is the only one really safe from revision and rewrite. And when you're in soft requirements territory, TDD goes out of the window (not withstanding BYOND's unit test framework deficit), as it's trying to nail down stuff that will almost certainly change at the requirements level on/after play-test by people. Hence TDD is more exception than the norm in game dev, and where used, is usually platform related. My particular issue here, is you seem to be shipping these things a la 'cargo cult engineering'. Like ... you've read that XYZ is important or useful from a source (and if we were talking big business systems, a fairly okay source) ... but not really understood the context of when that applies, and when it doesn't. There's emulation, without deeper comprehension of pros and cons. |
This is incidentally why you don't see Extra Credits talking requirements documents, formats of requirements docs etc. It's just not how things get done in that domain, the approach has to be more liberal due to the creative nature. Same reason you don't do TDD on UI presentation, creative process, open to subjective change of requirements.
Obviously it's not to say you don't have requirements, they're just more loose and open to creative change. |
BYOND forums suffer from an unhealthy tendancy of stealing buzzword-filled sentences from (often) reputable sources, in a show of attempted intelligence under the guise of being 'helpful' or trying to 'win' a discussion.
Programming is not a deeply philosophical phenomenon at the level you're operating at during game design on BYOND. You're not being 'academic', or an 'idealist' or anything like that. You're not commanding a team of 80 developers, art department, storyboarders, QA and trying to satisfy executive deadlines. Post questions with as much effort as you would like the response to contain. Be concise: Check whether every sentence of your post is necessary or adds value to the discussion. If it does not, axe it. Be critical of yourself: Are you communicating what you set out to? Be informed: Find out what others think. Don't just skim some buzzwords on the back-cover of a programming book. You have to understand the material/concept! The OP does none of this. It is reminiscent of a stray thought, not a topic worthy of discussion. This post is, as a whole, an example of the above criterion. It took 20 minutes to write. Many sentences were axed or re-phrased. Excess fluff was trimmed. |
In response to Stephen001
Going through these plans helps you understand the language and what the platform is doing for you. They do not require exhaustive planning but rather bare minimum.
As my project goes, I'm finished but never planned on submitting it to the public until I add more non functional requirements like- make it fun/engaging. Cause that's all fun is, engagement. Yes the planning of the last two you posted is not a good way to design a game. Doesn't focus on any sorta responsibility - just vague words- a lot at that. An effective plan is more simple and specific focusing on what are the game rules, how can player accomplish rules, who or which class is responsible for said functionality? Manageable. |
In response to Alathon
Same concepts no fluff. Anyway am I being graded? Iv'e seen some BYOND user's requirements so my question is answered. But if you willing to reveal more I could have searched out please do.
In response to Sir Quizalot
Sir Quizalot wrote:
Same concepts no fluff. Anyway am I being graded? Iv'e seen some BYOND user's requirements so my question is answered. Actually yes, in a certain way. Eventually people will learn that your posts tend to be rather pointless and stop responding to them seriously. |
In response to Sir Quizalot
Sir Quizalot wrote:
Cause that's all fun is, engagement. This is actually very wrong. I've seen Extra Credits pop up a few times in this thread, but I'm not sure if you watch them. You want an example of a game that isn't fun but is engaging? Look at their 2 part special on Spec Ops: The Line. |
Fun is always engaging not all engagment is fun. Watching a saw about to go through your arm while your forced to just watch could be engaging but not unless you like the feeling of intcipating imminent pain would it be fun. Yet fun is always engaging. I watched their episode on fun and what makes a game a game. I know what they're talking about.
In response to Sir Quizalot
I just want to chime in here and point out that, while you may seem to think you understand what they are talking about, you clearly don't understand what you are talking about.
Planning is for suckers. I didn't plan This Gem for more than 3 seconds before starting to work on it (hard to imagine that, I guess).
I sure hope that source isn't downloaded from 4shared and the like.