Jun 28 2014, 5:58 pm
Lol what you just said.
In response to Sir Quizalot
Sir Quizalot wrote:
As my project goes, I'm finished but never planned on submitting it to the public until I add more non functional requirements like- make it fun/engaging. Here's your design document: Make it fun before you finish the game. Also, screenshots or it didn't happen |
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Apparently all I'm sporting from emails in the Naruto Universe department is source code, and not their (kid you not) 100 page game design document. That project was in 2010, and essentially killed team members, in the productive sense, and ... well, wasn't formally ever released. The source code achieved ... 20% of what the doc laid out? Fairly organised code too, compared to other stuff I've seen. It is unfortunate that the complicated systems were completed, but we could never find the drive to finish the more trivial systems of the game. We had a solid group, but between life and learning about the sweep of fan games C+D, it was inevitable we would not Naruto Universe would not be finished. For a few months, I played with the idea about forking the project into an original game or splitting the source into several useful libraries, but these endeavors required too much time. Although I found a different email chain from 2010 including the source code and design doc. It could be beneficial to release this design doc as a negative example. While, our design doc was detailed and thorough, as Stephen alluded, it was essentially used as a checklist. Instead, the design document should have described the game at a high order and outlined the features, similar to Stephen's mission statement but for each system. Procedural level documentation would also describe each system, separated from the design document to not distract from the overall game design. |
In response to Magicsofa
Screen shots are public.
In response to Kalzar
Yeh it look like several mission statements. Simple goals with no specifics.