In response to Kaioken
This has to be an animation thing. Since the animation is a 'run 1 time only' animation, BYOND fires it on new and anytime the obj moves. Since the obj isn't moving in this diagonal scenario even though we are re-setting the loc, BYOND doesn't display the animation. Is there a way to reset the animation or loc so that BYOND animates again?

In response to Kaioken
Alright, some new info which makes this look almost like a bug. Remember, I'm using NO_STEPS.

var/obj/unit/FlameTower/ft = src;
if(ft.oFlame == null)
ft.oFlame = new/obj/flame;
ft.oFlame.dir = get_dir(ft, m);
ft.oFlame.loc = locate(7, 16, 1)
walk_to(ft.oFlame, m.loc)

This is my buggy scenario which results in a single animation. X is the flame thrower. m is the mob. T is turf.
XTT <- locate(5, 18, 1) which is on top of the flamethrower

This scenario results in continuous animations per tick
TTF <-- locate(7, 16, 1)

Why would moving the flame to the other location work? My flame is of course backwards in this "working scenario" but it shows that there is something quirky going on.
In response to Tsfreaks
Tsfreaks wrote:
This has to be an animation thing. Since the animation is a 'run 1 time only' animation, BYOND fires it on new and anytime the obj moves. Since the obj isn't moving in this diagonal scenario even though we are re-setting the loc, BYOND doesn't display the animation. Is there a way to reset the animation or loc so that BYOND animates again?

This sounds like the same problem I posted about here id:666567

Too bad the thread went ignored. I never did find a reliable workaround.
In response to Tsfreaks
Just a simple reminder..

This may be an icon problem.

If your icon is directional, check if the frames of NORTHWEST (WEST if cardinal) are not identical to each other.
In response to Jemai1
I just checked and I don't see any problems.
In response to Tsfreaks
Oops.. I mean SOUTHEAST (EAST if cardinal). If you also check that already, nvm.
In response to Jemai1
Checked that too. It looks like it should with 13 states of south eastern flame goodness.

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