Is there a runtime method to toggle an animation between no loop and loop?

I'm still trying to figure out a solution for my last functionality bug. It's actually going to start blocking me from "shipping".

The problem as best as I can describe it is; An obj with a single (no loop) animation does not re-animate if it's location does not move. I need it to reanimate without moving (at least visually) some how.


Use flick()?
In response to Spunky_Girl
Can't because I don't want my flame to move with the mobs which pass by the flame thrower.

In response to Tsfreaks
Then what, exactly, are you trying to do?
In response to Tsfreaks
flick() does not "move" anything. It just starts the animation of an icon that you choose. I think it's what you need to use, but your a lil vague.
In response to Bakasensei
Flick replaces the current icon with a temporary one so if the mob is moving, it's new flick'd icon is also moving with it.

My question is really about the ability to toggle the loop state.

If we could trigger a single animation loop that would also be ideal.

In response to Tsfreaks
So just change the icon and only loop through its animation once and then change back?