In response to Albro1
Albro1 wrote:

See: Namek

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Haven't been doing as much but y'know doing stuff here and there fun-ish i guess. Nothing new added some tree's my icons never match but meh who cares. Keeping everything looking pretty simple though.

[EDIT] Btw the grass im revamping soon too .-. People don't seem to like it as much as i thought i did lol
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Been messing with other stuff, a little thing me and a friend did awhile back.

That's all for now Good Bye <3
Those are the sexiest trees I've ever seen.
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Ahh so fun making tileset. Changing it up a bit making it look brighter. Idunno if it'll make it any better but it sure is fun lol.

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So how's it look now btw not really sure if i wanna keep it "this" simple but i kind of like it.
[Edit] My Pokemon side seems to be showing too much, or it looks a lot like Pokemon to me .-. anyone else?
[Edit] I need help with animations any tips people .-.
Make the sword swing faster love. :P
In response to VixiV
VixiV wrote:
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Ahh so fun making tileset. Changing it up a bit making it look brighter. Idunno if it'll make it any better but it sure is fun lol.

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So how's it look now btw not really sure if i wanna keep it "this" simple but i kind of like it.
[Edit] My Pokemon side seems to be showing too much, or it looks a lot like Pokemon to me .-. anyone else?
[Edit] I need help with animations any tips people .-.

your base lacks movement you need bigger movement frames and you're using way to many frames. drop the frames down to 3-4 that'll help. also all your frames are the same speed try making the slash effect a lower delay so it doesn't look so slow
In response to Southend_boi
Arigatou Southend_boi-Sama. I'll make the movement bigger, it had a feeling it'd be too small z_z. It does swing faster too but idk why when i put it into .gif it's slower. Ty for help.
In response to VixiV
VixiV wrote:
Arigatou Southend_boi-Sama. I'll make the movement bigger, it had a feeling it'd be too small z_z. It does swing faster too but idk why when i put it into .gif it's slower. Ty for help.

The smaller the base the more movement you should use to make it look better ;)
In response to Southend_boi
.>_< you're making it look to easy.
AWWWW YIISSSS! I found it for you VixiV :D

38frams but still cool :3
In response to Leven1337
My GOD that looks nice <3 Gives me some great idea. Thanks!
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Ahh z_z so tired. Worked too much on this, for the lolols of it. Learned some stuff today though so that's good, made some progress.

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Added a house .-. it's not done but i'll finish it some other time, cause i hate houses they seem to look out of place compared to my icons. I guess that's just me, my tiles never match,now it looks very cartoony.

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Doot Doot, How'd I do? It looked like my problem was the legs imo x_x, Ugrhh. I can't get the swing effect to look like how u had it though Southend_boi-sama.
Your leg is fine, Southend's is too exaggerated... you'd lose balance.
I think you could round the edge of the houses like what they do in pokemon diamond. I also think that you should've made the house longer, unless that's just one room with a treasure chest in it.
much pokemans, such swings, very good, so like.
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Get home and it's already 8pm z_z. Didn't even get to do much Q_Q. But i guess i made some little things i can show for today :D, no one will care but i just want to keep this up as motivation ~_~

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@Leven1337 x_x originally wasn't suppose to look like that, it looks like how it does now in the picture. I just wanted to try that way but like u said it felt too short so eh w/e i want to keep it within the size and made it back to how it is now. Added more details ofc, and tried idk how to make it any rounder ish.
In response to UPD4T3
UPD4T3 wrote:
Your leg is fine, Southend's is too exaggerated... you'd lose balance.

... what ? That's what anime is over exaggerated movements o_O what ever makes the base looks good will work for'em.
In response to VixiV
VixiV wrote:
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Get home and it's already 8pm z_z. Didn't even get to do much Q_Q. But i guess i made some little things i can show for today :D, no one will care but i just want to keep this up as motivation ~_~

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@Leven1337 x_x originally wasn't suppose to look like that, it looks like how it does now in the picture. I just wanted to try that way but like u said it felt too short so eh w/e i want to keep it within the size and made it back to how it is now. Added more details ofc, and tried idk how to make it any rounder ish.
u makin pokeman game?
Suit looks like narto
In response to FishMan123
FishMan123 wrote:
Suit looks like narto

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