If theres a (team=blue)-team mob is near a red team gaurd (npc) within 4tiles near it. the red team gaurd attacks the blue-team mob (combat/attack code). but, if a (team=red)-team mob goes near the Red Team gaurd, nothing happens.
The whole point is for the Red Team Gaurd ONLY attacks the blue team. (NOT red team). but if the blue team mob gets away 10tiles away from the red team gaurd, the red team gaurd gives up on chasing him
in another word for all these is:
red team gaurd protect the red team from the blue team.
Mar 16 2009, 1:56 pm
Mar 17 2009, 8:40 am
You want to look up loops (while() and for() ) then look up the walk(), walk_to(), etc and step(), step_towards(), etc procs.