Dragonball WWA

by Critical172
A new DBZ game
I believe that the four people who beat the Cell mission and cell jr.mission before the nerf should get some type of reward, whether it be a Broly capsule, 5k zenni, or a few senzu beans. Maybe a stronger dragonball.
Sayin24, Red Ramii, Sabton, and myself beat it before the nerf, and for him to be nerfed is unfair to those that beat it.
I agree. You guys should be given rewards because he was OP before the nerf. But your wrong it wasn't unfair to nerf him because that was love 360 from all users and future players. He doesn't want everyone to rage/quit.
Thanks for agreeing, but it was unfair to me and the others because we didn't get the easier cell as the rest of you guys did. It was, however morally right to nerf him because Critic himself couldn't even beat it. Truthfully anyone that's anything other than a Saiyan is not going to have the best of times with Cell.
Majin race have a good chance. Spirit of Combat, energy beams, after image, and wolf fang fist. they'll have to maintain until Cell gets low. And if he starts raging around 700 PL they have an extra life to live before death. And Namekians have hell zone grenade soz..