Im making a game based off of pacman... And i couldnt figure out how to do it so when you walk over the dots it will add points to your stat.

point = 0


icon = "turfs.dmi"
icon_state = 'dot1'
// Idk what to put here something to do with walking over it to get the item
point += 10
In response to Stupot
I thought Enter()/Entered()/Exit()/Exited() didn't work with objs?

And I think doing one Bump() on the player's mob programming might be easier, rather than doing many for all the "point raising objects".
In response to Spunky_Girl
Spunky_Girl wrote:
I thought Enter()/Entered()/Exit()/Exited() didn't work with objs?

As discussed, they work with all atoms when a movable actually enters/exits them (or for some, attempts to). But movables don't move into other movables naturally/normally, and what you want here is to do something when a mob enters a turf with an obj on it, not when a mob enters an obj.