alright i have made my skin for my game but i made two othersas well shop +shopp for my own convienence,i have made a button for shop in my main skin and im wondering how do i make it so when i press tht button it takes me to shop skin then on shop skin i have next as a button and am wondering how to get onto shop page two which is under the name of shopp.
I also need to hide them until i click on them, if possible , i know thsi isnt the right forum for this particular subject but i could really use the help. ^_^
i am also going to look it up
thank for the help in advance guys ^_^
You wanna look up the skin reference and the winset() and winget() procs.
In response to Spunky_Girl
In response to Jakb2k7
Jakb2k7 wrote:

In the F1 Dream Maker Help Files
In response to Falacy
ty falacy i heard your a skin maker wud u help me out buy maing me some really good skins u will get credits i promise and also gm if u wish plz reply or/and add my msn [email protected]