Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole Byond DM language and I need some serious help. I would like to know what I would be using to preform jutsu/skills. I know it would be a verb, but what would I do to make some icon states play into a part of a jutsu/skill?

if you'd like to help me code my Naruto game, feel free to talk to me on MSN.

[email protected]
Welcome, Novice Programmer!

Maybe you would use a projectile. Maybe an overlay. The Developers have many libraries and demos on both, search for them.
Umm, to make an icon pop up:
var/obj/Jutsupic/A = new/obj/Jutsupic
A.loc = //Put the location her

In response to Xyphon101
var/obj/Jutsupic/A = new(/*location here*/)
In response to Kaiochao
No use defining it as a variable if you're not going to use the variable (as the compiler will tell you). ^-^
new/obj/Jutsupic(/*location here*/)
In response to Spunky_Girl
Well, he will probably need to use the var if its for a jutsu..
In response to Xyphon101
Nope, not always. I have plenty of "jutsu" verbs in my game and many of them use my method over yours or Kaiochao's ^-^
In response to Spunky_Girl
v.v Well a lot of mine need vars, so I assumed his would, too.
In response to Xyphon101
I think we all know what happens when people ASS|U|ME things :o