Yet another problem I ran into.. I've been noticing there's been more than a few questions over the issue of the screen resolution. I know there must be a particular code that can solve this issue.. it gets quite annoying to set the screen res for me, yet the person on the other end gets part of the screen chopped off. If someone could help with showing how to code this in, it would be greatly appreciated!

Solution:Build for small rez's up, or limit your game to only people with big rez's and lose half of your audience.
In response to Tubutas
Tubutas wrote:
Solution:Build for small rez's up, or limit your game to only people with big rez's and lose half of your audience.

Or create multiple versions of your interface, get the current resolution max by creating a 9999x9999 window and winget()'ing its size and then use the max resolution fit for that size. If you include standard resolutions like 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 then you should be good to go.

Although personally I find it difficult to squeeze my own interface into 1024x768, much less 800x600.
In response to Alathon
I always work on a laptopo with low rez so i start at 800x600
In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
Tubutas wrote:
Solution:Build for small rez's up, or limit your game to only people with big rez's and lose half of your audience.

Or create multiple versions of your interface, get the current resolution max by creating a 9999x9999 window and winget()'ing its size and then use the max resolution fit for that size. If you include standard resolutions like 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 then you should be good to go.

Although personally I find it difficult to squeeze my own interface into 1024x768, much less 800x600.

Ah, that does seem more efficient.. although I have returned to BYOND after a couple of years and this interface stuff is all new to me, think you could explain the winget() in a line of code or something? Would be really great. :)
In response to Zekkeyen
winget, gets a variable from the skin. look at the skin reference for info on the vars that the skin can return.