I was curious how this is done, I already have the UpdateAbilities(), and I believe it should work. What I'm trying to do is when someone gains a level, they learn new abilities/skills that add into the ability-pane I created. I remember doing it the old school way before 4.0, it was just a simple process of using: usr.abilities += new/obj/abilities/Slash, if someone could help, it would be appreciated.

var/abilities = 0
for(var/obj/O in src)
winset(src, "abilites-pane.abilities", "current-cell=[++abilities]")
src << output(O, "abilities-pane.abilities")
winset(src, "abilities-pane.abilities", "cells=[abilities]") // cut off any remaining cells

Ah and I almost forgot.. I was also wondering how user stats and text can be sent to a grid as well, thanks for the help in advance everyone.
