How can i delete an object on the HUD?
Say, if there's a GM thing that only GMs can use, what if i strip someone of their 'Temp' powers, how can i delete their HUD?
Apr 21 2009, 5:26 am
Apr 21 2009, 5:28 am
In response to GhostAnime
| type: O That's what happened. No, the indentation isn't inconsistent, and i've named the object "O". |
In response to NeonJ
1) This isn't a BB Forum, use <DM></DM> tags
2) It would be extremely helpful if you showed the snippet you used. We're not psychic y'know. |
In response to GhostAnime
1 - I did. Before you responded.
2 - Don't worry, i managed to fix it. I think. :D |
Depends on how your HUD is put together.
If it's with client.images, you'll need to have some kind of reference variables established to remove the appropriate elements - if not, you've little choice but to redraw everything in there from scratch, this time without the GM elements. If it's with client.screen, you'll want to do as GhostAnime suggested: use a for list to go through each object in client.screen and remove the ones that offend. If it's with special skin controls (e.g. the hud might be a special pane only visible to GMs) then you'll want to make sure that only the appropriate skin calls are run. |