This is what I have :3.
set category = "Chat"
S = input("What do you wish for us to hear, mate?","Select a Wav:") as null|sound
world << sound(S,0,volume=100)
world << "<font color=green>\icon[usr] [usr] plays sound \"<font color=blue>[S]<font color=green>\". (<a href=?Download>Download</a>)"
but I want it so that only wav files appear when they try selecting a file.
Anyway, the file selection dialog is something standard you can't alter. So you can't make it show only an extension of your choice. You can however check the file's extension after it's chosen, and disallow it if it isn't what you want (this can also be done before the file is uploaded by overriding AllowUpload()), by checking the end of the filename.
Note that this may be easily fooled anyway though, as anyone can just rename a file and give it a different extension. I don't see why you'd even want to restrict it to just WAV files though. That's the hugest format... everyone's better off if you allow players to upload more compressed ones instead.