In the game, when you hit the "m" key while standing in front of a wall that can be mined (iconstate is at the bottom), there is a random chance (varies based on what you're trying to mine, but in this example, it is a 1 out of 10 chance) that you succeed. In order to mine, you need the pickaxe that has to be purchased from an NPC. You don't need to equip it or anything, it just has to be in the inventory.
I know that to allow for the needed variable, I need something like:
turf/BG/Mining/Strain RubyVein icon = 'Mineshaft.dmi' icon_state = "RubyVein" name = "" verb Mine() if(check.mine == 1) else return
But I do not know how to set up the rest.
Could someone please help me?
THE code doesn't exist, it's a myth - like the Holy Grail.
prob() comes to mind for this... or even pick() with prob()!
locate() comes to mind here.
Forum search boolean tricks. It'll help you out a lot :)