I know you can export a savefile var using NEW. But I was wondering how you could export a var as a .txt file, because when you write a savefile it is a .SAV file so I cannot read it. I am trying to do this to implement a system that lets me read reasons people are being banned and review it.

Example (Non-working):
review = new("/bans/[M.key]")

But it says the var "review" is an unknown var type...any help?


Also, you can't call a proc (Write(review)) in a variable declaration. It's something that can only happen at runtime (when the program has been booted up). In a way, I don't see how your code would ever work at all like that :o
In response to Mysame
Exactly why it says: Non-working

Hi1 wrote:
I know you can export a savefile var using NEW. But I was wondering how you could export a var as a .txt file, because when you write a savefile it is a .SAV file so I cannot read it. I am trying to do this to implement a system that lets me read reasons people are being banned and review it.

var/Test="Testing testing 3 2 1"

You're welcome.