So far with a tip I got from Ss4toby, I have conjured up a question: is there a way I can use icon/New() to use icon_states AND pixel-movement. Recreate the entire icon_state implementation?

EDIT: I think something like

proc/IconState(Icon as icon, Iconstate as text, Moving as num, atom/A)
var/frame = 0//define the frame variable
for(var/i=99,i,i--)//loop through 99 times, the max amount of frames allowed in one icon

var/NewIcon = new(Icon,Iconstate,A.dir,++frame,Moving)//next frame
if(NewIcon == null)//if the next frame is null, stop adding to frame and start a new loop
A.icon = new(Icon,Iconstate,A.dir,++frame,Moving)//depict each frame individually

IconState(usr.icon, "jab 1", 0, usr)

Would something like that work? I'm not exactly the programmer for the project, and I'm supposed to be spewing out icons like there's no end, so I don't have time to test it myself. I kinda of figured someone could just look and see if it would work or not.