With the 10 cans selected for Clan Wars, I am now in the midst of organizing the season itself. However, what I have learnt from the Clan War trials is that this isn't going run as smoothly as I had hoped. It was extremely rare to have 4 each of 2 clans be online at the same time. And it took over a week just to fill the final spot. Nobody was even keen to enter the Clan Wars until I announced the top 3 clans being rewarded purchases as prizes.
The issue that I'm trying to address is that people are always on at different times. Me being a prime example, I live in Australia and prime time for me is while people in America are sleeping, and vice versa. This causes people to think I'm inactive and never play my own game, which is the responses I get from players everytime I log in at an active time for the game, which seems to be between 3-9am my time (People also seem super inactive to me as a result of this too, which then puzzles me when people I hardly ever see online are telling me that I'm inactive).
In order to make sure clan wars go smoothly, I'm going to need to organize set times for when these Clan War matches are held, or this entire thing will fall apart instantly. So I want people to tell me what times are best for them, and I can weigh all comments and determine what times Clan War matches will be held.
Simply leave your preferred time, along with what country you live in, so that I can tell what timezone you are in.
If everyone cooperates with me on this, we should be able to succeed with handling a professionally organized and smoothly executed Clan Wars. Thank you all who will help support. A game is only as strong as the playerbase.
![]() Jun 2 2014, 4:36 am
Preferred times: 2pm-4am
Country: Australia Feedback and ideas: Since people probably won't be able to attend all their matches, they should have a clan size of at least 10 players. That way, it shouldn't be too difficult getting at least 4 players online to play at that time. |
Preferred times:8am-12pm
Country:North America Feedback and ideas:If there are at least 5 members of each clan, i say those five should fight 1 vs 1 battles. |
preferred time: 1pm-12am country: North America Feedback and ideas: i say the winner of clan wars fight all mod/admins and if we win another character lock(only costume change) |
Preferred times:10pm-14pm
Country:Germany Feedback and ideas:Clan wars winner get points which can be used to buy things |
Preferred times: 7:30 PM - 1:00 AM
Country:Malaysia Feedback and ideas: 2nd place should get 1 locks or costume |
Preferred times: 5:00 pm - 1:00 am
Country: The Bahamas Feedback and ideas: Host one fight at a time if possible |
Preferred times:3:30pm-12:30am Monday-Friday. 12pm-12am weekends.
Country: UNITATED STATES OF AMERICA. Michigan :P Feedback and ideas: |
Preferred times: 2pm-4am ( Monday - Friday,sunday) 3am-12pm (saturday)
Country: Australia Feedback and ideas: Nothin' |
Preferred times:7:00 PM - 1:00 AM [LHST (Lord Howe Island's) time zone from Australia]
Country: My country's the nation that I don't deserve, but the one I need right now. So I will not name it, because it sucks, because it's not a country, it's a silent graveyard, a watchful hell... a Dark country. Feedback and ideas: No locks in clan war please. Even though you won't agree. So yeah... The only thing I'd like to say is these "actual" clan wars should follow the rules strictly, not allowing people to do 3 vs 3 or 2 vs 2. JUST NO, NO clan war unless two mods are present. Got no ideas, soz. Anyway,s Australia isn't my actual country, just compared it's timezone to mine so no offence to people from Aus by that above "Country" comment. -Zero. |
Preferred times:3pm-11pm
Country:Aruba Feedback and ideas: Penis.. that is all. :D |
preferred time: 5pm-6pm or maybe 7pm country: Canada Feedback and ideas:Nothing.. |
Perferred time 9pm-5am
Country: U.S all day ever day Feedback: ur doing fine zerok onii chan |
Preferred times:
Feedback and ideas: