Perferred time 9pm-5am
Country: U.S all day ever day
Feedback: ur doing fine zerok onii chan
Fucking gayest post ever been on cosab :l
Tiotyler9 wrote:
Perferred time 9pm-5am Fucking gayest post ever been on cosab :l |
Preferred times:fking all day i got no life, one exception: weekends. preferred times on weekends: 6pm-2am
Country:the one that planned the 9/11--o wait i moved from there..U.S.A Feedback and ideas: Zerok codes it so that his clan is buffed during the clan wars. sorry zerok i just had to tell everyone the truth. |
Shanal wrote:
Tiotyler9 wrote: Uzbekistan mexican loool |
Clan : TkW
Preferred times: 6pm till 2am GMT Country: UK Feedback and ideas: Fix Tourney Mode :) + no locks |
CLAN: KNA Preferred time: Nothing in the morning plox (12 am-12 pm) |
Preferred times:7PM throughout the night for EST
Country:USA (NJ-NY) Feedback and ideas:A way or a rule that prevents people from making preparations in the rounds before the battle actually starts (i.e. Deidara melding before countdown, forcing kyuubi before timer starts, starting rikudo/sage mode/rinnegan) And fixing jutsus that still don't work and haven't worked for several versions (Konan's 8 billion trap for example is an extremely useful jutsu in terms of strategy) |
Preferred Times: 12AM-3AM (USA time) Country: Germany Feedback:i already gived a feedback in an other post just adding this because im in a new clan |
Perferred time : 10pm-5am Country: Canada Clan: GoD :Game of Death Feedback: I think the clan that wins all players must earn 100 clan of experience
Preferred time: Any, no life atm. Country: UK (GMT timezone) Suggestions: People, say your timezones, too. It'll be much easier that way, especially you US peeps. There's like 4 timezones there alone. |
Preferred time: 5pm - 10pm Country: North America Feedback and Ideas: 4v4 or 3v3 with a sub |
PS. I live in midwest so Central time, East Coast is an hour ahead, west coast is an hour behind. YOu can make this great. Looking forward to it
Y u have to put on so br feedback?