The first thing I'm interested in, is a cutscene. I've looked around the BYOND Resource as I said earlier, and I did find a single one they had, but it was different from what I was looking for. It's kind of hard to explain so I found an example that is in the same ball game I was looking for which can be found here. Anywho, I was wondering if it was possible to create something like this (not nearly as advanced of course). The only way I could think of would be make an icon with tons of different icon states all in sync with one another depicting the scene. Is there a simpler way to do this, and if not, any tips on making the icon states?
To me that seemed like a difficult enough problem, but I also had another idea I was looking for that I'm not sure how to do. I'm trying to make a sort of click spell system. I'm trying to make it so that there's like... Empty boxes where the spells will be, but when you learn the spell the boxes will be filled. However, I'm having an extremely hard time with this one. The only thing I can think of is the start of it
icon = 'boxes.dmi'
screen_loc = "7,26"
icon_state = "top"
layer = MOB_LAYER+10
src.client.screen += new/obj/top
If you can help me on either of these, or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to find tutorials/demo's/past articles in the Forums about it, but I really haven't been able to find anything. Thanks ahead in advance. Sorry if it was a rather long post.