Ok, I have the Ubuntu OS on my laptop and I really want to play the Byond games on here. But when I did the installment, this is all that happened


michaelkelley@ubuntu:~$ cd~/byond
bash: cd~/byond: No such file or directory
michaelkelley@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/byond
michaelkelley@ubuntu:~/byond$ make
There are two options for installing BYOND. You can install
it for all users or you can install it for your own personal
use. To install for all users, you must run this makefile
as root. In that case, edit this makefile, configure the
installation parameters to your liking, and run 'make install'.

To install for your personal use, simply put the 'byond'
directory where you want to keep it and type 'make here'.

michaelkelley@ubuntu:~/byond$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for michaelkelley:
if [ ! -d /usr/local/byond ]; then mkdir /usr/local/byond; fi
cp -R cfg bin man /usr/local/byond
if [ "" = "yes" ]; then \
chown root /usr/local/byond/bin/DreamDaemon; \
chmod a+xs /usr/local/byond/bin/DreamDaemon; \
if [ "" = "yes" ]; then \
chown root host/host.dmb; \
chmod a+xs host/host.dmb; \
fi \
ln -f -s /usr/local/byond/bin/DreamDaemon /usr/local/bin/DreamDaemon
ln -f -s /usr/local/byond/bin/DreamDownload /usr/local/bin/DreamDownload
ln -f -s /usr/local/byond/bin/DreamMaker /usr/local/bin/DreamMaker
ln -f -s /usr/local/byond/man/man6/DreamDaemon.6 /usr/share/man/man6/DreamDaemon.6
ln -f -s /usr/local/byond/man/man6/DreamMaker.6 /usr/share/man/man6/DreamMaker.6

You can find out more about the software by doing 'man DreamDaemon'.
A host server has also been included so edit host/hostconf.txt and
boot up your world server!

So what do I do now? Please help me with step by step
BYOND does not have a graphical Linux client. The native Linux client (and Mac client) can only be used to host games. If you want to run a graphical version of BYOND on your Linux machine you'll have to run the Windows version using WINE or a virtual box system.