I've never been good about finishing games, so I have like 4 half finished sources with working base code but never expanded into full-fledged games. So I don't expect this to pan out, but I thought maybe if I invested myself more into a project that I might actually finish one. So I came up with a card game. Bit of a Magic/Yugioh/Duel Masters knockoff.
I'm hoping if I write a story, draw pictures, and code at the same time, that I'll maintain my inspiration.
The flavor text (from top left to bottom right) are as follows, in case you were curious:
"Happy to learn magic? You must be new here." - Headmaster Rowan
"Ironic how anatomically similar rats and humans are. Maybe God has a sense of humor after all." - Wardin Cheshire
"Drink! Drink and be merry!"
"Never strikes twice, huh." (This is a joke about how it does 2 damage)
May 31 2014, 4:07 pm (Edited on May 31 2014, 4:12 pm)