Can some1 make me an thruster system?
like if hit that verb, you go straight 1 row to the dir you stand at like 6-7 spaces realy fast
but it must cost energy, like 5% so 5/100
And searching staff for my gundam game
Fisrt of all, you shouldn't be asking others to just make the code for you, you should be discovering How To do the code so that you will have some knowlage of what you are doing. Second of all judging by the fact that you need help with such a small problem you probablly have not read Developer guide, or you just skimed threw it. That guide was put there to teach people how to use to code, its not somthing that just takes up space its there for a reason.

First of all I suggest that you READ the Developer guide but also, i'll still explain how you do this

mob // First of all you must have a mob
var // for their energy you must have a variable which means that it is a number that can be changed around
energy = 100
verb // You must now make a verb, you still following me?
Thrust() // Now this is the name of the verb
if( >= 5) // checks if the usr's energy is greater than 5)
step(src, src.dir)
sleep(3) // what this does is adds a delay for the person moving, the delay is now set for 3/10 of a second, you can also use spawn, but I think sleep works better for this occasion
step(src, src.dir)
sleep(3) // and repeat the process for how many times you want your dude to move -= 5
if( < 5)
src << "You were unable to thrust, Energy to low!" // this just tells the person that they dont have enough energy to use the skill
In response to Xxdragonslxx
There are numerous problems with that, so I suggest you take your own advice and read the guide.
In response to Garthor
i didn't test that out, but thats the just of what you got to do -.-