Something like:
var/list/code = list()
var/ccount = 1
Code(C as msg)
code[ccount] = //line [ccount]
Thanks in advance.
Jul 20 2009, 6:03 am
Hi, i just want to know how to read each line in a msg and put each line into an array.
Something like: /mob Thanks in advance. |
In response to Superbike32
An alternative may be to use an XML library so you can have the items in tags may be easier to do (keyword: maybe).
I used an XML library (forgot whom, but can be found in my project file) to make a basic quest system. You can take a look at GhostAnime?command=view_post&post=49388 |
using findtext() you can find the return key... also, \n is the equivalent to return key, use that with findtext() for finding the new line key.