I'd like to Code in this picture like Draw it out with coding is it possible of doing that?
And if it is, I don't know how to Start Off, Please help.
![]() Jul 29 2009, 2:43 am (Edited on Jul 29 2009, 3:19 am)
![]() Jul 29 2009, 7:27 am
If you want to draw it in a browser use html, you could set it as the background for a table or you could just set it as background and use no horizontal or vertical repeat, you have to be more specific in what you're asking. I don't code so I don't know how to put it into the Byond Browser.
<code>;draws a box of dimensions x by y to box :x :y repeat 2 [fd :x left 90 fd :y left 90] end ; draws a bar of dimensions x, y, with the bottom-right corner having a right triangle with legs of length corner cut out of it ; starts at top-left, ends at bottom-left, does not draw left edge to bar :x :y :corner make "diag :corner * sqrt 2 fd :x right 90 fd :y - :corner right 45 fd diag right 45 fd :x - :corner right 180 end to frame :x :y setpencolor 0 ; draw the outside box filled [90 90 90] [box :x :y] ; draw the three small boxes along the bottom make "smallx :x / 3 make "smally :y * 1 / 4 repeat 3 [box :smallx :smally fd :smallx] ; move to top-left left 90 fd y left 90 fd x left 180 ;draw the top bar make "bary :y / 10 make "largebarx :x * 2 / 3 make "smallbarx :x / 2 make "corner :bary * 9 / 10 filled [70 70 70] [bar :largebarx :bary :corner bar :smallbarx :bary :corner left 90 forward :bary * 2] end</code>
Admittedly this isn't perfect, but I'm sure you can tweak it slightly to achieve the desired result. frame draws the image, by the way. |