Well, I have put a label for a backboard thing, but when I add an input on top of it, it goes under the label. Any ways to orginise the layers?
Tab order is what I think it's called. Right side of the thin button window(in the window editor, the bottom toolbox) has two buttons to increase/decrease tab order. It goes from 1st=front to back.
In response to Kaiochao
A yes, thank you. I got it.
In response to Howey
var/b = winget(usr, "bfs", "value")
winset(usr, "bfsl", "text='[round(b)]%'")

OK, this verb happens each time the slider value changes. The problem is, when I try to round up the value, it always outputs 0.
In response to Howey
'b' is text in that context. To get numbers from winget(), which only returns text strings, use text2num().