It's definitely been a while for me. I just have a quick question. You see, what I'd like to do is create an invisible border to restrict access to certain sections. However, at my own discretion... I would like to add an individual to my list (Access List) in order to walk in that area with no problems. I'm lost and really wish I could do this on my own.

Another option I'd like to accomplish would be to allow ALL players in the world to walk through the section when I feel like letting them. Eventually, I could even edit my code so it affects THAT area only, but creating several types of invisible boundaries.

So... how for my quick question. How in the world would I accomplish such? Any simple snippets so I can get a general idea?
Look up Bump(). You can override it and return 1, allowing entrance.
In response to Kaiochao
I'm familiar with Bump() already. I wasn't aware of overriding it though. Cool.
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
Look up Bump(). You can override it and return 1, allowing entrance.

No you can't. Enter() is the one you're thinking of.

return ..()
return 0
return ..()

You could also override turf/Enter(). If you wish to use objects, you'll need to modify Enter() for all turfs to allow for it (search the forum for "StepOn", as I've posted it numerous times).
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Kaiochao wrote:
Look up Bump(). You can override it and return 1, allowing entrance.

No you can't. Enter() is the one you're thinking of.

> Enter(var/mob/M)
> if(istype(M))
> if(M.clearance)
> return ..()
> else
> return 0
> else
> return ..()

You could also override turf/Enter(). If you wish to use objects, you'll need to modify Enter() for all turfs to allow for it (search the forum for "StepOn", as I've posted it numerous times).

I appreciate it Garthor. That helped me quite a bit.