So I'm making a text-based game, and I was thinking could I could make BYOND interface and uses the grids to handle combat?
Yup. Just insert info through winset.
In response to Speedro
Thats my fault, I should of better explained that. I meant as use the grid to handle combat as it it has a symbol to represent where the player and enemies are at. And use commands move the symbols around.
In response to Lundex
Nit-picky answer: no, because then it wouldn't be text-based. Unless you are going to use text symbols.

Real answer: sure, why not? I don't know why you would want to though, as it doesn't seem to me like a good user interface.
In response to Loduwijk
Well, its only for keeping track of where the player and the enemies are, the rest is text.
In response to Lundex
Just use a map with text mode. It's probably much easier.