How could i make it so the [usr] of the Ginto has to put in a certain ammount of rei to create different attacks?
For example:
If you put 5000 reiatsu into a Ginto then you create Heizen which then creates a 2nd tube for later use in the [usr]'s inventory which they can then use at a later period to shoot out at their opponents.
I have the objects it creates coded into the game i just cant figure out the main object that creates them.
Thanks in advance.
Oct 18 2009, 3:20 am
Designing a visually nice way for the player to adjust the amount of 'reiatsu'?
I think a bar element with 'is-slider' set to true would probably be a good choice.
On a side note, you should not work with the term 'usr' substituted for 'user', since this can lead to tricky assumptions, which are simply not true and result in lax 'usr unfriendly' source code.