Hello, I was wondering in Isometric "Iconning" How do we create like a base for castle walls. er... well let me get an example pic. istockphoto_9020311-isometric-castle-icons.jpg At the corners is the "base" that I am talking about. (The seperated tile in the bottom right) Since when we create an image in 32x64 for the wall than make another that's about 40x80 the isometric base for 32x32 is to the left which limits the iconning of the larger area.
To create a blank, isometric tile for reference, open an icon state, select Icon->Create Isometric Tile from the menu at the top.
In response to Garthor
I know that, but it still wont create a tile that is bigger than the other of 32x64.

This is what I get trying it my way, and your way of using icon>whatever.

I through all that extra stuff on the top because It will not be a flat wall as a normal isometric is, it will have curves just as I showed in the image I showed you, knowing that, would you happen to know how to do something similar?
In response to Leur
Yeah, I still have no damn clue what you're on about. Writing actual sentences would help.
In response to Garthor
How is it not clear? I don't know if I can explain it anybetter than that.

Okay, This highlighted in yellow is what I am trying to recreate. While that highlighted in blue is what I currently have.

I cannot stretch the area of the icon to match what I am trying to accomplish without having some sort of graphical problem, such as the other bases not as wide as the edge causing a gap between them.
In response to Leur
Cut the overlapping sides off of your larger icon(in paint for example) and paste them onto a new instance of your wall graphic. If thats not what your looking for, I have no idea what your talking about.
In response to Jotdaniel
exactly what I mean, but is it possible to do in 1 (bigger) icon?
In response to Leur
The display of native icons is purely visual. Bumping, etc. will not work for the "extra" tiles covered by the icon. To avoid irregularities in how the icons display, usually you should make big icons dense. In isometric mode, a small mob walking onto a big turf or vice-versa is particularly noticeable and will show artifacts. This is unavoidable because isometric is not true 3D and there is no ideal way to layer the images to avoid this problem.

That paragraph should explain what your asking better than I can. Basically, its not going to diplay correctly without nudging it to the left, because your "larger" corner icon anchors to the southwest; you can try nudging it to the left in the map editor, but you still may get layering or artifact issues in your final product.