Hey there
I got a problem with the scores. I wanted to test if i'm able to code scores (yeah i was xD) now i got the problem... how to delete my scores on the hub? I have read if the scores of a player are an empty text string they will be earased from the scoreboard on the hub. The only thing which is happening if the text string is blank is an error code in DreamSeaker:
Aleks (/mob): Scores(null, null, null)
runtime error: type mismatch: cannot compare 11 to ""
proc name: Scores (/mob/proc/Scores)
source file: Scores.dm,10
usr: Aleks (/mob)
src: Aleks (/mob)
call stack:
Aleks (/mob): Scores(null, null, null)
How i delete the scores?
Dec 21 2009, 5:08 am
does not equal