Ok, so i'd like to know; how i'd check to see if a player has closed a window,that was opened using winshow().

For example:
mob/verb/Say_Hi()  //Yes i know this is a impractically use of the proc. But bare with me.
usr<<output(null,"output6") //Prevents text from overlapping
usr<<output("Your gonna say hi now","output6") //Outputs this to them.
//Now i have it set up that there is a button on the window that they press to close it
//But how would i go along checking if they closed the window?
If you check the Options tab while editing your window, on the bottom there's a space to specify the command called when the window is closed.
Then after that, I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Maybe use winget() to check the is-visible parameter of the window.

Also, if you really want a single-line output(I assume this from how you output null when you use the verb), you could instead set the output's maximum lines to 1.
In response to Kaiochao
Well, i was trying to use it for when your talking to an npc. I want of course the window to be closed before they say the next thing. And thanks for the info.