Is it possible to call a verb in a proc?
Ant305 wrote:
Is it possible to call a verb in a proc?


mob/verb/hey() world << "Hello World!" //needs a mob object to be ran on i.e mob.hey()

proc/lol(mob/M) M.hey() //type casting variable M as a mob so that it was possible for hey() to run on it

Honestly, your question is sort of general (what kind of verb?, what kind of proc?)
In response to Haywire
Haywire wrote:
Honestly, your question is sort of general (what kind of verb?, what kind of proc?)

Ahh right.
Well i meant a built-in proc, like Login().
And just a normal mob-assigned verb like that.
If that's what you mean,by me being too general.

In response to Ant305
Ant305 wrote:
Haywire wrote:
Honestly, your question is sort of general (what kind of verb?, what kind of proc?)

Ahh right.
Well i meant a built-in proc, like Login().
And just a normal mob-assigned verb like that.
If that's what you mean,by me being too general.

I'll be general now and say that you can in all occasions if you have access to that mob that you want the verb to executed on.