Because basically I'm trying to get a scalable ball object's most southern part to appear directly above you.
The 'x' is the center of the icon. The small 'm's are the the Height() of the icon. I want to grab the 'm' pixel on the very bottom of the icon, and move it one tile above the players head. While moving this, the entire icon will follow the pixel I selected and moved. Imagine in photoshop where you you can grab any part of a picture, and you can drag it anywhere. Then imagine grabbing the bottom part, and moving it there.
I suck at explaining stuff, hope you can help me out.
If you're dealing with an /icon object, the Shift() method would probably be useful for you.
If you're dealing with an atomic object, look up the pixel_y var.
As for "grabbing" the bottom of an icon, there are a few things I'd suggest.
A: Pre-calculate this value. This would be the fastest way.
B: If your ball has a variable size, keep track of its center and its radius. Then bottom_y = center_y - radius.
C: If all else fails---and this would be the slowest method---you could use lots of GetPixel() calls. Perhaps something like: