contents = new("Iventorio" = list(), "Equipamento" = list())
But when I use "usr.contents["Iventorio"] += object", into the Click() proc of the object,the game runs,but if i click, appear this error in the Output:
runtime error: bad index
proc name: Click (/obj/equipament/armor/Click)
usr: Guest-3804674167 (/mob)
src: Armadura Arshal (/obj/equipament/armor/Armor1)
call stack:
Armadura Arshal (/obj/equipament/armor/Armor1): Click(Grama (6,5,1) (/turf/Grama), "Default.Mapa Principal", "icon-x=24;icon-y=11;left=1;scr...")
I want to know how-to do it, create a list into contents, i need this, for when i use usr.contents["Iventorio"], the object go to the list, instead of create a copy of it.
That would move the clicked object into the contents of the usr that clicked on it.