How do I change the color of someone's name/rank using a GM in-game?
Here, and I suggest reading guide + not using ripped sources, I learned that the hard way...

view() << "[src.key] logs in."//unnecesary but i threw in there.
Say(Msg as text)
if(src.key == "Darkjohn66")//put your key where Darkjohn66 is
view() << "<font color=red>[src]</font color=red> says, '[Msg]'"
view() << "[src] says, '[Msg]'"
In response to Darkjohn66
Did Garthor not suggest to reconsider providing (bad) advice?

view() should be o/hearers, your Login override would screw the game up, since you're never calling the parent and should actually be done in client.New() (else you get a Schnitzelnagler logged in whenever I switch the mobs attached to my client) and checking for administration should happen separate. Not to mention that an associative list makes sense for such a purpose.