I am trying to figure out how to make a hud slot where you click it and a list of learned skills pops up, and updates to add a new skill to the list each time you gain a skill. and then executing it with a macro assigned to that slot. Can anyone please help?
you would use an input with text at the user to give them a list of options. Then use winset in the skin reference for a macro. To create an object on the hud,

icon = 'macroskillcard.dmi'
icon_state = "card1"
layer = MOB_LAYER + 9999999
screen_loc = "1,1"

You could do this with an interface pretty easily. Have button that calls the usr's skills verb which displays a window with a grid and adds to the grid all their skills. The skills would be objs or datums in some kind of list owned by the player.

Check out this article for help with interfaces.
In response to Redslash
Redslash wrote:
You could do this with an interface pretty easily. Have button that calls the usr's skills verb which displays a window with a grid and adds to the grid all their skills. The skills would be objs or datums in some kind of list owned by the player.

Check out this article for help with interfaces.

actually I know very well about interfaces but You gave me an excellent idea about it so thank you very much.