So I define a new object as examplelist[1], but I get an 'Expected end of statement' whenever I try to do something like this: examplelist[1].Move(locate(1,1,1)), but if I take the index off and leave it as examplelist.Move(locate(1,1,1)) it doesn't error out. Can I Move() a list index, if so how because this isn't working.
The array[n].func() syntax doesn't work in DM. What exactly are you trying to do?
In response to Popisfizzy
I'm trying to change the icon file of the entire list of objects, but I also need to individually move them all. So I just need a way to move the instance of the object, that's only defined by the list.
In response to Railon
"Move" how? There are multiple things you could mean here.
In response to Railon
var/obj/O = list[1]

Or just use a for() loop.
In response to Garthor
Well I was trying to avoid that way because it will double my variable count, but I guess I'll have to, thanks for the help.
In response to Railon
If it doubles your variable count, you're probably doing something wrong.
In response to Railon