I would I set up one Main verb ex: Select()
and use it for multiple things? I have the macro set to Select and I'm trying to use that for a certain type of things with the same verb but I cant seem to get it working
I don't think anyone has any idea of what you mean.
In response to Popisfizzy
He means an all in 1 macro. Like an A/B button thing that covers more than 1 command.

Example would be like in NEStalgia, when you hit tab, you can talk to NPCs, Open Chests, close menus, etc,etc all in 1 tap without having to select what action
In response to EnigmaticGallivanter
That would be done within the verb itself, not the macro.
In response to Jotdaniel
Yeah but how would I go on doing that?
In response to Isenggard
You probably can learn about how to do this here:
In response to Darkjohn66
Already figured it out but thanks anyways