I've been trying to create a technique where when it's used a wave of tiles that would be 5 tiles wide would move forward in front of the user for 12 tiles. While moving forward it would harm and push back anyone in it's way then stop and stay there until the user died. How could I accomplish something to this effect? Many thanks in advance.
create the five objects where you want them.

look up new.

look up move, for how you want to move them.
or step, or even walk.

make the five objects have a modified bump() proc which move()s people back and do damage to them.

del the objects when you're done.

if it's bolded, look it up in the DM reference, and read. You should be able to fairly easily figure out how to do it all.
In response to Mr.Tophat
Ok popisfizzy, I cut most out.

var/obj/wfront/Wa = new(null, src)//set up a variable for the new object
Wa.loc = locate()
In response to Darkjohn66
Please stop providing examples.
In response to Popisfizzy
Thank you! After checking out what you guys posted I was able to come up with a way to make a wave that pushes the mob back!